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Code of Ethics

Based on the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Principles, the MSS Code of Ethics helps create a safe learning environment by establishing a baseline conduct expectation for all.


Be honest and show a consistent and uncompromising adherence to the ethical principles and values of the organization.


Understand that trust is the relationship cornerstone for our organization and our interactions with the community, and our intentions and actions are ethical in all we do.


Have the readiness to take responsibility for your actions. Professional development and learning are an integral part of the accountability strategy.


Promote positive relationships and effective interactions with all members of the school and local community, while maintaining professional boundaries.


Foster honest and open communication, ensuring all actions you take are consistent with the organization's values.


Create beneficial relationships and promote equity in all situations.


Hold yourself and others in the organization to a high standard, allowing conversations and relationships to be open and promote growth for all.

Rule of Law

Act in accordance with California state standards, WASC accreditation standards, and high ethical practices that ensure progress and success for all students in their academics and future careers.


Ensure success for the organization through continual self-assessment and improvement coupled with long-term strategic planning and incorporation of ethical values.